Here in Wisconsin we lose more than 800 people per year to suicide, 1 in 5 is a Veteran. 70% of those Veterans and 50% of those non-Veterans use a firearm to take their own life. The Live Today Put it Away suicide prevention project is looking to bring those numbers to 0. 

The Gun Shop Project is a campaign that is out of New Hampshire, which is successful in reducing suicides by bringing suicide prevention specialist and firearm dealers together and design material to help gun dealers identify and address potentially suicidal customers who may be purchasing a firearm for that reason. This is where Semper Smithing comes in. 

Semper Smithing offers safe firearm storage for those that are in need at no cost for as long that is needed. CLICK HERE to review the Contract to Hold Firearm Form. It is important to remember that as a FFL licensee we must follow all ATF guidelines for transfers, this means in order to retrieve your firearm you must fill out a 4473 form and pass a background check. For more information CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Live Today Put it Away Homepage.